Naga BoardWalk: Having an Adventure with her is my craziest moment

                Naga Cebu City, it is a place wherein most of the people go to gather themselves to a wonderful adventure to be explored. Naga has its featuring place there and it is the Naga board walk. It is not really significant to go on that place but the enjoyment and the experience to seize the wonderful moment are worth remembering and sacrificing.

                When I commuted a jeepney together with "Jane" (my girlfriend), i can already feel the anxiety within myself. The anxiety that worries me, how and what makes the place beautiful and relaxing to rest at. The cold see breeze, the pleasing surroundings and even the people went there and also the designs and the food that's on the place makes you satisfy to visit the place again and again. When me and Jane gotta need to go home, we actually met the place that always reminds us of something, the place that we've used to stay before, which is the Jollibee. Eating happily after the frustrating adventure was one of the highlights of our trip because we got time together to talk, sharing stories and other leisure that we've been executed. 

                During the moment when I'd video myself, i felt so intimidated but the experience that I've got taught me that Vlogging ain't an easy job or leisure. During the time that i'd Vlog, there's this one thing that stick out on my mind, that you need confidence to go over, to supervise and ease your job.
I can confidently say that visiting Naga boardwalk is such a satisfying and unforgettable moment to go on. You can enjoy this such moments with your family, friends and also the person that always pleases you. Visiting this place might affect your life for lifetime because whenever you're here, the moments that has been spend, the positive vibes and everything is permanently attached. #Foundaplacetoeasethestress


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